A sparkling snowy breeze giggling past my snack on one fine evening,
so soft and so bright....
Oh! wasn't it the the summer though? yes, yes it was....
Well! I am talking about my dear lovely Han...
Whose golden hair blazed through my pain and tore it into shreds..
A perfect nest that I could cuddle into...
Her oceanic green eyes just spiraled down all my mischief...
and gave something in return, that would just make me fly like peter pan..
Oh! her lovely finger that clutched to mine...
made me swell with pride...
shouldn't I be? oh well ain't I the one who has an angel for a friend...
every time I feel down I just have to think of my own tinker bell..
and Tada... I feel all well....
oh my lovely tinker bell... My lovely Han.. Love u loads...